The Shao Lab

Peer-Reviewed Articles
Zhu C, Iwase M, Li Z, Wang F, Quinet A, Vindigni A, Shao J.
Nature Communications 2022 Nov 1; 13, 6531. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34310-9
Wang F, Vij K, Li L, Dodhiawala P, Lim KH, Shao J.
Cancers (Basel) 2021 Oct 11;13(20):5076.
Wang F*, Zhu C*, Cai S, Boudreau A, Kim S*, Bissell M, Shao J.
Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2021 June 21, 9:692269. * Equal authorship
Zhu C*, Kim S*, Mooradian A, Wang F, Li Z, Holohan S, Collins P, Wang K, Guo Z, Hoog J, Ma CX, Oltz EM, Held JM, Shao J.
Cell Rep 2021 February 16, 34(7): 108749. * Equal authorship
Shao J
Mol Cell Oncol. 2020 Aug 12; 7(5):1796179
Zhu C*, Rogers A*, Asleh K*, Won J, Gao D, Leung S, Li S, Vij KR, Zhu J, Held JM, You Z, Nielsen TO, Shao J
Cell Rep 2020 Jun 9; 31(10): 107745. * Equal authorship
Functional Annotation of ESR1 Gene Fusions in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Lei JT*, Shao J*, Zhang J*, Iglesia M*, Chan DW, Cao J, Anurag M, Singh P, He X, Kosaka Y, Matsunuma R, Crowder R, Hoog J, Phommaly C, Goncalves R, Ramalho S, Peres RMR, Punturi N, Schmidt C, Bartram A, Jou E, Devarakonda V, Holloway KR, Lai WV, Hampton O, Rogers A, Tobias E, Parikh PA, Davies SR, Li S, Ma CX, Suman VJ, Hunt KK, Watson MA, Hoadley KA, Thompson EA, Chen X, Kavuri SM, Creighton CJ, Maher CA, Perou CM, Haricharan S, Ellis MJ
Cell Rep 2018 Aug 7;24(6):1434-1444.e7. * Equal authorship
Proteomic profiling identifies key coactivators utilized by mutant ERα proteins as potential new therapeutic targets Gates LA, Gu G, Chen Y, Rohira AD, Lei JT, Hamilton RA, Yu Y, Lonard DM, Wang J, Wang SP, Edwards DG, Lavere PF, Shao J, Yi P, Jain A, Jung SY, Malovannaya A, Li S, Shao J, Roeder RG, Ellis MJ, Qin J, Fuqua SAW, O'Malley BW, Foulds CE Oncogene 2018 Aug;37(33):4581-4598.
Breast tumors educate the proteome of stromal tissue in an individualized but coordinated manner
Wang X, Mooradian AD, Erdmann-Gilmore P, Zhang Q, Viner R, Davies SR, Huang KL, Bomgarden R, Van Tine BA, Shao J, Ding L, Li S, Ellis MJ, Rogers JC, Townsend RR, Fenyo D, Held JM
Sci Signal 2017 Aug 8;10(491). pii: eaam8065.
Efficacy of SERD/SERM hybrid-CDK4/6 inhibitor combinations in models of endocrine therapy-resistant breast cancer
Wardell SE, Ellis MJ, Alley HM, Eisele K, VanArsdale T, Dann SG, Arndt KT, Primeau T, Griffin E, Shao J, Crowder R, Lai JP, Norris JD, McDonnell DP, Li S
Clin Cancer Res 2015 Nov 15;21(22):5121-5130.
Subcellular localization and Ser-137 phosphorylation regulate tumor-suppressive activity of profilin-1
Diamond MI, Cai S, Boudreau A, Carey CJ Jr, Lyle N, Pappu RV, Swamidass SJ, Bissell M, Piwnica-Worms H, Shao J
J Biol Chem 2015 Apr 3;290(14):9075-86.
Endocrine-therapy-resistant ESR1 variants revealed by genomic characterization of breast-cancer-derived xenografts
Li S*, Shen D*, Shao J, Crowder R, Liu W, Prat A, He X, Liu S, Hoog J, Lu C, Ding L, Griffith OL, Miller C, Larson D, Fulton RS, Harrison M, Mooney T, McMichael JF, Luo J, Tao Y, Goncalves R, Schlosberg C, Hiken JF, Saied L, Sanchez C, Giuntoli T, Bumb C, Cooper C, Kitchens RT, Lin A, Phommaly C, Davies SR, Zhang J, Kavuri MS, McEachern D, Dong YY, Ma C, Pluard T, Naughton M, Bose R, Suresh R, McDowell R, Michel L, Aft R, Gillanders W, DeSchryver K, Wilson RK, Wang S, Mills GB, Gonzalez-Angulo A, Edwards JR, Maher C, Perou CM, Mardis ER, Ellis MJ
Cell Rep 2013 Sep 26;4(6):1116-30. *equal authorship
Prion-like nuclear aggregation of TDP-43 during heat shock is regulated by HSP40/70 chaperones
Udan-Johns M, Bengoechea R, Bell S, Shao J, Diamond MI, True HL, Weihl CC, Baloh RH
Hum Mol Genet 2014 Jan 1;23(1):157-70.
Protein phosphatase 1 dephosphorylates profilin-1 at Ser-137
Shao J*, Diamond MI
PLoS One 2012;7(3):e32802. * corresponding author
Interaction with polyglutamine aggregates reveals a Q/N-rich domain in TDP-43
Fuentealba RA, Udan M, Bell S, Wegorzewska I, Shao J, Diamond MI, Weihl CC, Baloh RH
J Biol Chem 2010 Aug 20;285(34):26304-14.
F-actin binding regions on the androgen receptor and huntingtin increase aggregation and alter aggregate characteristics
Angeli S, Shao J, Diamond MI
PLoS One 2010 Feb 4;5(2):e9053.
Phosphorylation of profilin by ROCK1 regulates polyglutamine aggregation
Shao J, Welch WJ, Diprospero NA, Diamond MI
Mol Cell Biol 2008 Sep;28(17):5196-208.
A common motif targets huntingtin and the androgen receptor to the proteasome
Chandra S*, Shao J*, Li JX, Li M, Longo FM, Diamond MI
J Biol Chem 2008 Aug 29;283(35):23950-5. *equal authorship
ROCK and PRK-2 mediate the inhibitory effect of Y-27632 on polyglutamine aggregation
Shao J, Welch WJ, Diamond MI
FEBS Lett 2008 May 28;582(12):1637-42.
Evidence for chaperone heterocomplexes containing both Hsp90 and VCP
Prince T, Shao J, Matts RL, Hartson SD
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005 Jun 17;331(4):1331-7
A rapid cellular FRET assay of polyglutamine aggregation identifies a novel inhibitor
Pollitt SK, Pallos J, Shao J, Desai UA, Ma AA, Thompson LM, Marsh JL, Diamond MI
Neuron 2003 Nov 13;40(4):685-94
Functional dissection of cdc37: characterization of domain structure and amino acid residues critical for protein kinase binding
Shao J, Irwin A, Hartson SD, Matts RL
Biochemistry 2003 Nov 4;42(43):12577-88
High affinity binding of Hsp90 is triggered by multiple discrete segments of its kinase clients
Scroggins BT, Prince T, Shao J, Uma S, Huang W, Guo Y, Yun BG, Hedman K, Matts RL, Hartson SD
Biochemistry 2003 Nov 4;42(43):12550-61
Phosphorylation of serine 13 is required for the proper function of the Hsp90 co-chaperone, Cdc37
Shao J, Prince T, Hartson SD, Matts RL
J Biol Chem 2003 Oct 3;278(40):38117-20
Evidence that protein phosphatase 5 functions to negatively modulate the maturation of the Hsp90-dependent heme-regulated eIF2alpha kinase
Shao J, Hartson SD, Matts RL
Biochemistry 2002 May 28;41(21):6770-9
Hsp90 regulates p50(cdc37) function during the biogenesis of the activeconformation of the heme-regulated eIF2 alpha kinase
Shao J, Grammatikakis N, Scroggins BT, Uma S, Huang W, Chen JJ, Hartson SD, Matts RL
J Biol Chem 2001 Jan 5;276(1):206-14
p50(cdc37) is a nonexclusive Hsp90 cohort which participates intimately in Hsp90-mediated folding of immature kinase molecules
Hartson SD, Irwin AD, Shao J, Scroggins BT, Volk L, Huang W, Matts RL
Biochemistry 2000 Jun 27;39(25):7631-44
p50(Cdc37) can buffer the temperature-sensitive properties of a mutant of Hck
Scholz G, Hartson SD, Cartledge K, Hall N, Shao J, Dunn AR, Matts RL
Mol Cell Biol 2000 Sep;20(18):6984-95